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FUL Management Inaugurates Interim Students Union Executive


The Management of the Federal University Lokoja (FUL) has today inaugurated an interim Students Union (SU) executive to oversee the affairs of the Union pending the election of substantive members into the various positions of the Union in few months time. 

The interim committee, drawn from different Faculties and Departments with members in their 400L, has Beauty Eneojoh as the Chairperson, Praise Akalor as the Secretary, Ummulkultum Yahaya as the Financial Secretary, Abdulmumin Mustapha as the Treasurer, and Joseph Pius Oluwadare as the Director of Social and Public Relations Officer (PRO).

While inaugurating the interim SU leaders, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Olayemi Akinwumi, charged them to swing into action immediately and ensure the smooth running of the Union's activities, assuring them of Management's full support. He noted that their selection was based on their impressive academic performance and urged them not to allow the new task affect their good academic standing.

Similarly, the Registrar, Dr. Rebecca Aimiohu Okojie, joined the Vice-Chancellor to congratulate the new students union leaders on their well-deserved appointment, enjoining them to justify the confidence reposed in them by Management.

In her acceptance remarks, the SU Chairperson, Miss Beauty Eneojoh, who spoke on behalf of other executive members, thanked the University Management for counting them worthy to serve in these capacities, promising to deliver on the Union's mandate with utmost fairness, integrity, and transparency.

The inauguration was attended by Principal Officers as well as the Dean of Student Affairs, Professor Abdullahi Musa Yusufu, among other officers. See more pictures here 
